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нīʛнᴅӟғīηαsī ™
Hot tempered person, likes to give advice and opinion, dislikes liars, hate cheaters, im basically a simple person blogging to let out stress, nutin much...


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Talk to me(:

Friday, May 21, 2010
We had talks...

Giving us the opportunity to make a diff... believe in it and we can do it... Dont want to see the same mistakes keep on repeating... Hopefully we succeed this time around... Mistakes are meant to be learned and use it for future use so you wont be repeating the same mistakes...Dont let history repeat itself...

Love you Izyan

Sigining Off at...
11:55 PM
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Again n again

Do realise your mistakes... as ive been saying the same thing again and again to you... "stop your attitude" but u aint listening... all you think is your anger and vulgarities towards me... now that im gone hope u can proceed with ur behavior "attititude" as an when u like... Got really pissed of with ya... wanting my help to forget him but you still think about him... WTH... enuf said.. you know what u did there no need for me to say much here... signing off...

Sigining Off at...
11:32 PM
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Happy 4 month together!!!

Sambil ku tulis "blog" ini, mengalir air mata... Mengalir air mata ku tanda gembira... Percintaan tidak semestinya yang indah belaka, ia kadang kala menguji tahap kesabaran buat kedua insan yang sedang bercinta. Bagi aku, telah berbagai dugaan yang melanda, berbagai cabaran telah ku harungi. Dalam sebuah perhubungan, aku telah mempelajari erti BERCINTA. Aku ada lah seorang insan yang lemah, tidak terdaya rasa untuk menerima dugaan, namun aku tetap menerus kan kerana aku yakin, bahawa kunci kepada satu hubungan yang berkekalan terletak pada kepercayaan, yak ni, yakin pada illahi dan juga yakin kepada pasangan sendiri.

Terjadi nya perhubungan ini tanpa di sedari, dengan sekelip mata perasaan sayang, cinta, timbul… Aku akui bahawa semua ini berlaku dengan sekelip mata, dengan cepat dan pantas. Aku tidak tahu pada pendapat yang lain, bagi aku, cepat atau lambat dalam sebuah perhubungan itu terjadi tidak ada masa’lah nya. Mungkin juga betul mejalin kan suatu perhubungan dengan pantas banyak dugaan akan mendatangi kerana seseorang itu tidak cukup mengenali pasangan nya. Tetapi pada diri ku, mengenal seseorang itu sambil menjalin kan hubungan ada lah lebih baik kerana ia akan lebih mempercepat kan memahami tingkah laku pasangan anda.

Izyan merupa seorang wanita yang manja, seseorang yang ingin kan perhatian… Aku telah banyak mempelajari dari beliau erti nya CINTA. Beliau telah membuka mata ku ke segala pelusuk kelemahan aku, beliau juga merupa seorang yang pemarah seperti aku, melihat beliau seperti melihat bayang aku sendiri…

Aku amat berterima kasih kepada SAYANG kerana engkau telah memberi ku sebuah makna untuk terus tabah mengharungi dugaan yang lepas dan juga yang akan mendatang.

Kini genap lah 4 purnama, aku mengenal di kau. Bunga-bunga (Ros biru), kotak yang berisi kan patung, bunga tiruan dan juga bantal yang memperbentuk kan hati, dari pemberian ku, menjadi saksi bahawa jika ku menghembuskan nafas yang terakhir kelaq, di sana nanti akan terjawab lah niat ku terhadap mu benar-benar ikhlas atau tidak. Segala yang manis akan di kenang dan segala yang pahit akan dijadi kan panduan untuk memperbaiki hubungan kita. Satu pinta ku Sayang jangan lah engkau menghadirkan orang ketiga dalam hubungan kita kerana aku amat serius dengan mu.

Terahkir sekali, moga di kau mendapat kan apa yang engkau mahu kan dalam hidup, kerana aku telah mendapat kan apa yang ku ingin kan, ya itu, engaku Izyan

Quotes: 120 days of knowing you, 3840 hours of knowing you, 230400 minutes of knowing you, 13824000 seconds of knowing you, never in my mind have the thoughts of getting bored of you, Treasure me and I’ll treasure you because the love for you has never change. Happy 4 month together. I LOVE YOU

Sigining Off at...
12:00 AM
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Bunga Ros Biru menjadi sebagai bukti, suatu perasaan terhadap mu yang ikhlas, Bunga Ros Biru yang dikau gemari, ku hadiah kan sebagai tanda Cinta yang ku balas.

Quotes: Love you very very much dear...

Sigining Off at...
7:41 PM
Monday, April 5, 2010
3rd month gift...

Do appreciate it... even u are there in Melaka, you still have the thoughts about me, very much appreciated, i really love it, the box and the pen holder especially...

010110, a day to remember, a day of sudden feel, a day of new beginnings... A day for us to treasure the first moment of glance between two person building their relationship closer... A day that makes everything change...

P.S. The feel has not change from the day till now, I love you KYC...

Sigining Off at...
2:01 PM
Friday, April 2, 2010
The 3rd month gift

Hope you like it dear.... about spending time, its ok, u are going for a trip...its for you, and to show you that the love is still there, it is not fadin away... As ive said in "Makz" my love will only be for you, and yes i wont be nottie, believe me, just want you to have fun on the journey...

If tomorrow never come, my days will be dark, but even if tomorrow never come, with you in my life it will shine like a spark...

Done by ME aka HD aka HDTV aka HighDeFiNaSi

Love you always dear and surely there will be more gift to come... MUACKZ...

Sigining Off at...
2:59 AM
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Happy 3 month together....

As we move on in this 3 month of together, many thing that ive learnt , not sure if i wanna mention it here but we are what we are, dont ever get caught by what people gonna say or do... I believe if we believe in something, we can do it... there is not much ups, just some minor misunderstanding which brought us to that kind of state where by we think what we always say is right, well partially is right...

Well, happy 3 month anniversary, love you loads KYC....

Sigining Off at...
12:13 AM
Monday, March 29, 2010
Alamak is getting...

Alamak is getting lag... dunno why ah... kind of irritating when it keep on giving server response time out... then you need to re-login again...

And to those that are in alamak, please ah, yang dah sudah tu sudah... jgn terbawak-bawak... sick and tired entertaining craps from you guys... you guys know who u are...

enuf said for now... its been a while since i blog... till next time... calo

Sigining Off at...
7:15 PM

Sometimes, i just dont understand why people keep on keeping grudges
Sometimes, i just dont know why they must act to make people angry.
Sometimes, i just dont get it why they cant get over it.
Sometimes, i just feel like F"ing them off.
Sometimes, i just feel that they just dont understand how things work.

But one thing i do know that life is always not very simple as it seems, for that, we as a human being have to accept the facts...

Sigining Off at...
7:01 PM
Monday, March 1, 2010
Happy 2nd month TOGETHER sayang

Firstly i wanna thank you for learning me how to be cool most of the time, although there are some that i lost control, but knowing you for the pass 2 month has been a knowledgeable one. Giving me the opportunity to do something for the better of our relationship...

I have no words to describe how much i do love you, no words can describe that... But i do hope that you know that i am serious about you, let this relationship go as far as what we have planned...

lastly, lets not get third party involve dear, cos u are the one & only LOVE, let not get anything get in our way,

~ Without you in ma life is like a missing jiggsaw puzzle, and without that missing jiggsaw, is like a hole in my heart, incomplete, so dont you ever dare leave me as i wont~

Loving you deeper as each day goes by dear Izyan @ KisYaNaCiiNe

Sigining Off at...
12:16 AM